10 Things You Learned in Drivers Ed That You Should Use Every Day
We all know that there are things we learned in drivers Ed that we should use every day, but what are they? Here are a few things you learned in drivers Ed that you should use every day.
1. Make sure you can see.
This seems like a no brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t do it. Before you even turn your car on, you should make sure that you can see out of all of your windows. Clean them if they’re dirty and make sure there’s no snow or ice blocking your view. You should also adjust your mirrors so that you have a clear view of the cars around you.
2. Don’t tailgate.
Don’t do Tailgating, when you follow another car too closely on road. It’s dangerous because if the car in front of you has to stop suddenly, you could rear-end them. This is why you should always leave a few car lengths between you and the car in front of you.
3. Use your turn signals.
Your turn signals are there for a reason- to let other drivers know what you’re doing. You should use them every time you change lanes or make a turn.
4. Don’t drive distracted.
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Distracted driving is that takes your attention away while driving. That may include things like receiving a call, texting, eating, or even changing the song. If you’re doing any of these things, you’re not paying attention to the road and you could get into an accident.
5. Pay attention to the speed limit.
Speeding is one of the most common causes of accidents. Its very easy to avoid on . All you have to do is pay attention to the speed limit and drive the speed limit. It really is that simple.
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6. Don’t drink and drive.
Drinking and driving is a recipe for disaster. Drink and driving is a criminal offence and illegal in all world. Always avoid driving after drinking.
7. Drive defensively.
This means being aware of the other cars around you and driving in a way that keeps you safe. For example, if you see a car speeding, don’t try to race them. And if someone is tailgating you, don’t brake suddenly.
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8. Don’t speed.
This one is pretty self explanatory. Speeding is dangerous because it gives you less time to react to things that happen on the road. It’s also illegal. So, always make sure you’re driving the speed limit.
9. Don’t drive under the influence.
Driving under the influence (of drugs or alcohol) is always a wrong turn. It slows your reflexes and makes it hard to concentrate. This increases your chances in getting in trouble while driving. So, if you’ve been drinking, make sure you have a sober driver to take you home.
10. Always buckle up.
This is the number one rule of safe driving. Always make sure you and your passengers are buckled up before you start driving. It only takes a few seconds, but it saves your life from any misshapen while driving.
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