10 Essential Skills That Teen Drivers Must Need to Master

Driving Skills

It is no secret that parenting a teenager can be difficult. They are at an age where they feel invincible and often act like they are. This can make teaching them how to drive, and be a safe driver, quite the challenge.

Here are 10 essential skills that teen drivers need to master:

1. Understanding the Vehicle
From turning the ignition on, to checking the oil, to pumping the gas, to understanding what all the buttons and levers do – it is important for a teen driver to have a strong understanding of their vehicle. This knowledge will help them keep the car in good running condition and also prevent them from getting stranded on the side of the road.

2. Properly Adjusting Mirrors and Seats
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that around 17% of all fatal car accidents are the results of blind spots. A big part of avoiding accidents is being aware of your surroundings and being able to see as much as possible. That is why it is essential for teen drivers to know how to properly adjust their mirrors and seats. The mirrors should be positioned so that there are no blind spots, and the seats should be adjusted so that the driver has a clear view of the road ahead.

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3. Head Checks
In addition to properly adjusting their mirrors, teen drivers need to get in the habit of regularly checking their blind spots. This can be done by periodically checking over their shoulders while driving.

4. Scanning the Road
It is important for teen drivers to keep their eyes moving while driving. This means scanning the road ahead for potential hazards, as well as keeping an eye on the cars around them.

5. Anticipating Potential Hazards
Teen drivers need to be able to anticipate potential hazards on the road. This includes being able to spot things like pedestrians, animals, and obstacles in the road. It also means being aware of potentially dangerous drivers and knowing how to avoid them.

6. Managing Distractions
There are a number of potential distractions that can take a teen driver’s attention away from the road. This includes things like cell phones, passengers, and even the radio. It is important for teen drivers to know how to manage these distractions and keep their focus on the road.

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7. Defensive Driving
Defensive driving is all about being aware of potential hazards and knowing how to avoid them. This involves things like keeping a safe following distance, being aware.

8. Proper Lane Change Techniques
Lane changes are one of the most common maneuvers that drivers make. However, they can also be one of the most dangerous. That is why it is so important for teen drivers to know how to properly execute a lane change. This includes using turn signals, checking mirrors and blind spots, and making sure there is enough space to safely merge.

9. Knowing How to Park
Parking can be a challenge, even for experienced drivers. For teen drivers, it is important to know how to park in a variety of different situations. This includes parallel parking, perpendicular parking, and backing into a spot.

10. Being Aware of Weather and Road Conditions
Weather and road conditions can have a big impact on driving. That is why it is essential for teen drivers to be aware of things like rain, snow, ice, and fog. They should also know how to adjust their driving to account for these conditions.

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While these 10 skills are essential for all teen drivers, it is also important to remember that the best way to prevent accidents is to practice safe driving habits.

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